10 Common Types of Snake

Snakes, with their slithering grace and often mysterious presence, are a fascinating group of reptiles. From venomous vipers to non-venomous constrictors, the snake family boasts a diverse array of species. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of snakes and explore the ten common types that captivate both snake enthusiasts and those seeking a better understanding of these creatures.


Snakes have long been both feared and revered, their unique characteristics and adaptations making them a subject of fascination. Understanding the various types of snakes is crucial for coexistence and appreciating the roles they play in ecosystems worldwide.

Colubridae Snakes

Starting our exploration with the Colubridae family, these snakes are known for their non-venomous nature. With a diverse range of species, including the common Garter Snake, Colubridae snakes are found on every continent except Antarctica.

Viperidae Snakes

Venturing into the world of venomous snakes, the Viperidae family takes center stage. From the iconic rattlesnakes to the ferocious Gaboon Viper, these snakes possess potent venom and specialized fangs for injecting it into their prey.

Elapidae Snakes

Elapidae snakes are renowned for their neurotoxic venom, affecting the nervous system of their victims. The infamous King Cobra and the deadly Black Mamba are prominent members of this family, known for their potent toxins.

Pythonidae Snakes

Switching gears to constrictors, the Pythonidae family includes some of the largest snakes globally, such as the Burmese Python and the reticulated python. These powerful snakes subdue their prey by squeezing them in their coils.

Boa Constrictor

In the realm of constrictors, the Boa Constrictor stands out for its impressive size and distinctive features. These snakes are found in a variety of habitats, from tropical rainforests to arid deserts, showcasing their adaptability.

Garter Snakes

For those seeking non-venomous and harmless companions, Garter Snakes are a common choice. Abundant in North America, these snakes play a vital role in controlling insect populations and are often kept as pets.

Sea Snakes

Adapted to a marine lifestyle, sea snakes exhibit unique features for life in the ocean. With flattened tails for efficient swimming and specialized scales, these snakes are found in the warm coastal waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.


Known for their distinctive rattles, these pit vipers are found in various habitats across North and South America. Rattlesnakes are equipped with heat-sensing pits, allowing them to locate warm-blooded prey even in the dark.

Coral Snakes

The vibrant and strikingly colored Coral Snakes are known for their potent venom. Found in North and South America, these snakes possess a neurotoxic venom that affects the nervous system, emphasizing their warning colors.

Green Tree Python

Exploring the world of arboreal snakes, the Green Tree Python is a captivating species known for its vibrant green coloration. These snakes spend most of their lives in trees, utilizing their strong prehensile tails for stability.

Cobra Species

Cobras, with their iconic hooded appearance, are a group of venomous snakes found predominantly in Africa and Asia. The hood serves as a warning display, and some species, like the King Cobra, are capable of delivering a potent neurotoxic venom.


Transitioning to aquatic giants, the Anaconda is the largest snake species globally, found in the swamps and rivers of South America. These massive constrictors are known for their impressive size and ability to tackle large prey.

King Snakes

Closing our exploration with mimicry, King Snakes are known for their ability to mimic the appearance of venomous Coral Snakes. This mimicry serves as a form of protection, deterring potential predators.


In conclusion, the world of snakes is rich with diversity, from the venomous vipers to the non-venomous constrictors. Understanding these creatures is vital for fostering coexistence and appreciating the roles they play in maintaining ecological balance.


  1. Are all snakes venomous?
    • No, not all snakes are venomous. There are numerous non-venomous snake species, such as Garter Snakes and Boa Constrictors.
  2. What is the most venomous snake in the world?
    • The Inland Taipan holds the title for the most venomous snake, with highly potent neurotoxic venom.
  3. Can snakes hear sounds?
    • While snakes lack external ears, they can sense vibrations, allowing them to perceive sounds to some extent.
  4. Do snakes make good pets?
    • Some snake species, like Corn Snakes and Ball Pythons, can make suitable pets with proper care and handling.
  5. How do snakes reproduce?

    • Most snakes lay eggs, but some, like Boa Constrictors and Anacondas, give birth to live young.